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National Analytical Briefs for Hungary and Lithuania

The analytical briefs explore the energy sufficiency gap and potential for the buildings and transport sectors in light of the energy and climate context of each country. In the reports, experts from CACTUS national implementing partners LEI and REKK analyse the national legislative frameworks, socio-cultural barriers and enablers, as well as key indicators describing the energy demand. The briefs make first recommendations with a view to reaching more ambitious climate mitigation levels and for the next steps of the project.

Further Information

CACTUS Kick-Off Workshop

négaWatt experts and Edouard Toulouse from Enough introduced energy sufficiency and Gunnar Boye Olesen from INFORSE-Europe presented the parallel sufficency project in the Nordic-Baltic region. LEI and REKK colleagues presented a picture of the energy demand and sufficiency potential as well as energy and climate strategies in Lithuania and Hungary. Partners and experts then exchanged on the sufficiency gap, and how the CACTUS project can address it.

Download the workshop presentation

Further Information