Young Energy Europe

The first phase of Young Energy Europe is completed. The successful work has been extended to four more countries (Croatia, Poland, Serbia and Slovakia) in the follow-up project Young Energy Europe 2.0.

Young Energy Europe improved the climate protection measures of companies in Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Young professionals from a wide range of sectors have been trained as Energy Scouts and have contributed to monitoring and reducing energy consumption in their companies.

Economy Energy Efficiency Sustainable Economy


Project info


Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary

Project duration:

11/17 - 03/21

Target groups:



2,692,425.60 €

Contact info


Sofie Geisel

Implementing organisation
  • German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Bulgaria)
  • German-Czech Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Czechia)
  • German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Greece)
  • German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce


High energy and raw materials costs and increasing environmental awareness among customers and business partners along the supply chains have again caused many companies to focus more strongly on resource and energy efficiency.

For the first phase of the project, the German chambers of commerce abroad (AHKs) in Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary and the Czech Republic were offered a training module for becoming an Energy Scout for the first time.

Source: Energy efficiency workshop with young employees. © SIHK Hagen


Training as an Energy Scout included a general introduction on how consumption of energy and resources impacts the global climate and how reducing consumption can help companies and the environment. Specifically, the training conveyed knowledge on how to use energy meters and how to interpret the relevant data. The Energy Scout teams primarily focused on the areas of lighting (29 projects), compressed air systems (21 projects), photovoltaics (12 projects) and system optimisation (10 projects).

Companies and Energy Scouts benefit equally from Young Energy Europe. The participating companies save costs in the long run through specific energy and resource savings in the practical projects and derive long-lasting benefits from their employees’ energy efficiency expertise. Young professionals benefit from cross-border knowledge exchange in the European Union and achieve valuable expertise.


The project in figures:

  • 339 young professionals from 135 companies were trained as Energy Scouts in four countries.
  • 143 tailor-made practical projects in companies were conceived.
  • 26,600 t in potential CO2 savings per year were identified in companies.

You can find more facts, background information and best practices in the brochure  Erfolgsfaktor Energy Scout (German) or Success Factor Energy Scouts (English).

Last update: July 2024

Success Stories

Good for Resources and Finances

Young Energy Europe is enabling companies to save money but also to significantly cut their emissions. In the first year alone, 101 young employees from 41 companies in four countries have taken part in training on energy and resource efficiency, equipping them to identify energy saving potential in their own companies. Improved processes have had a beneficial financial impact in many companies, boosting the acceptability of climate change mitigation measures.

More about this project

Blog posts


05 August 2019

Sending Emissions on Holiday


23 April 2019

International Energy Scouts


02 July 2018

Europe's best Energy Scouts



23 July 2018

Flyer: Young Energy Europe in Bulgaria
