ENCREMENCO – Enhancing the Capacities of Regions and Municipalities to Participate in Energy Communities

The project is completed. A law in Greece established a new framework for creating energy communities. ENCREMENCO promoted energy communities through regional campaigns that targeted local stakeholders at all levels and in all sectors.

Energy Communities Energy Transition and Climate-Neutral Buildings Renewable Energy


Project info


Germany, Greece

Project duration:

09/18 - 05/21

Target groups:



256,645.66 €

Contact info


Effie Korma

  • Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE)
  • German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation – reg. assoc.


The Greek Government introduced Law 4513/2018, which allows municipalities to participate in energy communities at a share of up to 40% (50% on the islands). This law is a key policy tool for municipalities to meet their Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) targets, but also to reduce their energy costs, improve the energy efficiency of their infrastructure and fight energy poverty by supplying low-cost energy.


The ENCREMENCO project provided municipalities and local stakeholders in Greece with the necessary know-how, awareness and capacity to implement the recently adopted legislation on energy communities (L. 4513/2018). This law gives Greek municipalities the right to participate in energy communities by producing, storing, distributing and supplying their own energy using Renewable Energy Sources (RES).

ENCREMENCO conducted nine campaigns on energy communities in all Greek regions. This initiative allowed Greek and German stakeholders to exchange know-how and best practices. The campaigns addressed different target groups, including governors and mayors, local government employees, citizens, and representatives of civil society.

The overarching project goal was to increase energy efficiency and the use of RES in Greek municipalities by enabling their participation in energy communities. ENCREMENCO therefore contributed to the fight against energy poverty, the reduction in GHG and the promotion of the social economy and welfare.


  • A total of 670 participants were involved in the project activities and increased their knowledge about the Energy Communities program in Greece. Through the developed material and the exchange of good practices and experiences from Germany as well as other EU Member States, capacities, knowledge and know-how in the field of renewable energy were increased. Local and regional authorities were empowered to use the Energy Communities program to implement their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans and plan their future energy projects.
  • 9 regional energy community campaigns were implemented, of which six were virtual due to the pandemic and three were on-site. The priority of the regional campaigns was based on the specific needs of each region, the interests and needs of regional and local authorities, and the region’s renewable energy capacity.
  • The project consortium published a series of 8 videos on German energy communities, reflecting a variety of good practices and highlighting opportunities for citizen participation. More info can be found here: Καλές Πρακτικές – ENCREMENCO

Last update: July 2024