Green Kick – Decarbonisation at Local Level

Local governments and civil society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia jointly develop municipal Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) and raise awareness of the need for decarbonisation.

Climate Policy Climate Strategies and Plans

bird view of Sarajevo

Project info


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia

Project duration:

12/23 - 03/26

Target groups:

Non-governmental organisations, Local governments, General public, Civil society


537,098.37 €

Contact info


Amir Zahirović

Implementing organisation
  • FORS Montenegro – Foundation for the Development of Northern Montenegro
  • Smart Kolektiv


Local governments play a key role in achieving the EU’s objective of climate neutrality by 2050, as cities are not only a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, but are also seen as key to promoting renewable energies and energy efficiency. Signatory municipalities to the EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy are therefore committed to developing and implementing local Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). Such action is particularly needed in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia, as these countries are threatened by climate change-induced temperature increases of 1.7 to 4.0°C by the end of the century.

However, municipalities often lack the capacity to successfully initiate such a transition on their own. Civil society organisations with a high level of climate change-related expertise in the three countries can support the municipalities in implementing local decarbonisation reforms.


The project supports 15 municipalities in developing SECAPs and meeting the requirements for membership of the EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. The regional network of non-governmental organisations, Green Economy for Advanced Region (GEAR), contributes its expertise to the municipal decarbonisation and climate-related legislative processes. It provides training and workshops to facilitate local decarbonisation reforms with a participatory approach in which dialogue and public participation at an early stage of policy-making are key. GEAR representatives partner with municipal staff to design the SECAPs and organise education campaigns to raise citizens’ awareness of the need for local climate action and inform them about commitments such as the EU Green Deal and the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) and their local implications. They also organise a regional conference on SECAPs and competitions between municipalities, present awards for the best SECAP and disseminate publications on the topic.

Last update: July 2024

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