Young Energy Europe 2.0

Young Energy Europe 2.0 trains at least 485 young professionals in eight European countries to become Energy Scouts who reduce energy- and resource consumption in their companies while helping to cut costs.

Economy Energy Efficiency Sustainable Economy


Project info


Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia

Project duration:

04/21 - 03/24

Target groups:

Private sector, Civil society


2,305,831.66 €

Contact info


Hannah Löchte

Implementing organisation
  • Deutsch-Griechische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK Griechenland)
  • Deutsch-Kroatische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK Kroatien)
  • Deutsch-Polnische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK Polen)
  • Deutsch-Serbische Wirtschaftskammer (AHK Serbien)
  • Deutsch-Ungarische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK Ungarn)
  • German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Bulgaria)
  • German-Czech Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Czechia)
  • German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Slovakia)


Energy efficiency measures and energy savings in companies pay off, especially in countries with high energy costs; that said, many countries in Central and Eastern Europe have historically had low energy costs. It is therefore necessary to carefully plan and justify investments, such as switching to LED lighting, optimising a compressed air system or installing a photovoltaic system on a company’s roof. That’s where the project comes in: Young Energy Europe trains mainly young employees to become what are known as Energy Scouts, who are tasked with identifying approaches to energy saving and implementing them as practical projects in their companies. The transfer of know-how through Young Energy Europe lays a building block on the way to the long-term goal of a climate-neutral European economy.

Energy Scouts auf der Suche nach Energiesparmöglichkeiten; Bild © Deltaplast Kft


In Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Serbia and Slovakia, Young Energy Europe trains mainly young professionals from a wide range of industries to qualify as Energy Scouts. Energy Scouts learn to analyse energy consumption in their company and to collaboratively develop practical projects to reduce energy and resource consumption. The Energy Scout training programme conveys the basic principles underlying how energy consumption affects the global climate and how energy efficiency measures can reduce environmental and climate impacts while saving costs in a company. Energy Scouts are skilled in identifying individual project approaches with high savings potential and driving the implementation of efficiency-improvement projects.

Both trainees and companies benefit equally from the programme: companies can use the professional know-how of their employees to become more sustainable and save costs. The young professionals benefit both personally and professionally from the development and introduction of new ideas and solutions for their companies.

Following the successful launch of the Energy Scout training programme Young Energy Europe 1.0, four more countries – Croatia, Poland, Serbia and Slovakia – have also been offering training in their local languages since April 2021. Local partners are the German chambers of commerce abroad with their diverse business networks and experience in training and further education. In the second term, by March 2024, the aim is to train at least 485 Energy Scouts to design practical projects and thus serve as change agents in their companies.

Last update: July 2024

More about this project



12 June 2024

Efficient use of energy & resources