EUKI Webseminar on Climate-Aligned Financing

Klimafinanzierung stand im Zentrum des dritten EUKI-Webseminars am 14. Februar 2019, an dem etwa 50 Teilnehmenden aus ganz Europa teilnahmen. Es war Teil der EUKI-Webseminar-Serie, die seit August 2018 regelmäßig zum Austausch zu Klimaschutzthemen einlädt. Vortragende aus zwei Projekten der Europäischen Klimaschutzinitiative (EUKI) teilten diesmal ihre Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen zu klimafreundlichen Investitionen.

Published: 04 March 2019

Last year the EUKI BEACON project published 21 studies on successful climate protection instruments. Andreas Schneller from the adelphi think tank presented the publication on the successful SlovSEFF (Slovak financing facility for sustainable energy) financing tool. Through the SlovSEEF, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBWE) funds energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in private industrial companies and housing associations. This credit line thus resulted in annual energy savings equivalent to the electricity consumption of a city like Bratislava.

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Factsheet SlovSEEF

Andreas Schneller from adelphi presented a study on the SlovSEEF during the webseminar. Photo: GIZ/Screenshot

Project manager Aleksandra Novikova from the Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) presented the work involved in the CIC2030 project during the webseminar. The EUKI project creates the necessary knowledge on investments needed to achieve the 2030 climate and energy targets. To achieve this, the project provides an overview of public and private investments in the energy transition and climate protection & adaptation in Latvia, the Czech Republic and Germany. The partners also develop capital procurement plans.

The CIC 2030 project creates knowledge on climate investments. The photo shows the kick-off meeting in Berlin in November 2018. Photo: GIZ/Samuel Held

The financing of the energy transition and climate protection is becoming more and more important throughout Europe. Major financial efforts are needed if the European Union and its member states are to attain Paris Agreement and EU 2030 targets. The European Climate Protection Initiative of the BMU (German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety) promotes capacity building in climate-friendly financing.

Regular Webseminars on Climate Topics

The EUKI Academy regularly invites employees working in EUKI projects to exchange information in webseminars, during which they report directly from their projects. The EUKI Academy thus achieves the dissemination of knowledge about European climate protection and the establishment of more closely-knit networks. Earlier webseminars dealt with climate policy in the European Union and the fair structural change in coal regions. In addition to its online format, the EUKI Academy also offers individual face-to-face events and shares studies, videos and news in the EUKI Infotheque.

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